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Is that what you do when you secretly discard sex toys?

by ML 10 Apr 2024 0 Comments

Is that really the case? 🙈

Imagine you're on a first-name basis with your sex doll, and it's time to part ways. You look around and think, How did we get here? You're not breaking up with a partner; you're plotting the disposal of an inanimate object that's seen better days. Picture trying to explain this to someone who catches you in the act. I swear, it's not what it looks like; we're just... recycling!

The Mission Impossible Disassembly 🕵️‍♂️

Disassembling a sex doll is akin to diffusing a bomb, but the only thing exploding is your dignity if you're caught. There you are with a screwdriver, feeling more like a surgeon in a very illegal operation. You find yourself thinking, Should have paid more attention to that IKEA furniture assembly, wishing there was a manual for this too.

The Hide and Seek Packaging 📦

Now that your doll is in pieces, you face the Herculean task of hiding it in trash bags. You're playing a very adult version of hide and seek, where the goal is to ensure your trash doesn’t start trending on social media. Each bag seems to whisper, We were once part of something... unique.

The Eco-Warrior Dilemma ♻️

Here you are, contemplating the recyclability of silicone and TPE. You ponder, Should I call the recycling center and ask if they take a large batch of... used... rubber? It's a moment where you become an accidental environmentalist. Your concern for the planet momentarily overshadows the embarrassment of explaining the origin of your recyclables.

The Midnight Ride Disposal 🚗

Choosing the cover of darkness for disposal feels like a scene straight out of a spy movie, except your mission involves getting rid of a sex doll without becoming the neighborhood's next urban legend. You drive further than you ever have for trash disposal, turning a simple task into an epic quest for anonymity.

The Bonding Over Baggage Moment 👫

Deciding to recruit a friend for this mission introduces a whole new level of trust into your relationship. The time when we buried my sex doll in trash bags at midnight will become your go-to story at parties, bonding you for life over the most bizarre shared experience.

The Reflective Comedian Epilogue 🤔

As you reflect on the absurdity of it all, you realize this ordeal has all the makings of a stand-up comedy routine. You're not just a person who had to dispose of a sex doll; you're a storyteller, a comedian, an environmentalist, and a secret agent all rolled into one.

The Professional Cleanup Plot Twist 🧹

Just when you thought it was all over, you discover there are actual services for this kind of thing. Next time, you decide, leaving it to the professionals would be the wiser choice. The irony? There might not be a next time, but hey, it's comforting to know that ninja disposal services exist.

Life Goes On Finale 🌈

In the end, life moves on. You've disposed of your sex doll, but the memories and lessons linger. Maybe next time, you'll opt for something with fewer disposal challenges—like a plant. Though, knowing your luck, you'll probably end up having to Google how to discreetly dispose of a dead cactus.

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